Ellesmere Alpha 2

In 1998 Suzi and I embarked on our most remote expedition to date,  to spend a summer tracking a pack of Arctic wolves at Lake Hazen at 82 degrees North on Canada’s remote Ellesmere Island.

We were dropped on a tundra moonscape by twinotter with all our tentage, food and survival kit for six weeks. On our second night seven wolves visited our camp.

Over the next few weeks we tracked the wolves over mountain ranges, fording rivers, clambering over ice bergs, swatted squadrons of mosquitos and met  musk oxen, foxes, giant hares the size of spaniels and hand fed arctic jägers…

Ellesmere was and still is a land uninhabited by man. The wolves of Ellesmere have never been hunted and showed no fear.  Their home – a tundra wilderness, little changed since the Pleistocene.

Ellesmere Alpha 2

Ellesmere Alpha 2

Ellesmere Island and london. £12,000

Size: 5x4 ft

Aquarelle and graphite